Quick Custom Intelligence (QCI) has extended its partnership with Elk Valley Casino “to elevate guest satisfaction and bolster profitability.”
Under the terms of the amended agreement, QCI will deploy its QCI Power Pack along with its AI technology at Elk Valley. Part of the collaboration involves a focus on data and analytics.
QCI said that the two would “focus on leveraging the power of data and analytics to anticipate guest preferences, streamline operations and ultimately create memorable experiences for Elk Valley's patrons.”
The company also noted that continuing its collaboration with Elk Valley demonstrates the company’s ongoing focus on offering quality solutions and tools for its partners.
Company CTO Andrew Cardno commented, "We are deeply honored to continue our relationship with Elk Valley Casino.
“[Its] forward-thinking approach and dedication to delivering exceptional guest experiences align perfectly with our mission at QCI. Together, we aim to set new benchmarks in the industry."
Elk Valley Casino Director of Marketing & Player Development Michael White briefly discussed the casino’s relationship with QCI by saying, "QCI has been an invaluable tool for our Player Development initiatives. It has empowered our little team to take pointed action and truly use all of our resources, including our own time, to the best of our ability.
“We have been able to make large strides toward goals that previously seemed unrealistic for a team the size of ours and with the impending Power Pack rollout, this will only get better."
QCI specializes in offering software and real-time operational tools for both the gaming and hospitality industries. The company’s platform is currently utilized in more than 100 casino resorts throughout North America, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.