Hard Rock International continues to proactively combat human trafficking by implementing several programs during the month. The company will kick off its programs January 11, as part of National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
The company said in an official statement: “Human trafficking, which includes commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor, is a complex challenge for the entire global hospitality industry because it intersects a range of organized criminal activities.”
The Hard Rock brand was founded in 1971 on several mottos that continue to be valuable to the company today, including Love All-Serve All, Take Time To Be Kind, Save The Planet and All Is One.
Hard Rock International Chairman Jim Allen said: "Hard Rock is committed to working with our community partners across the country and the world to innovate solutions that help prevent human trafficking.”
Part of the initiative includes expanding partnership programs that offer direct support to survivors and victims of human trafficking, as well as providing aid to at-risk youth.
One of the ways Hard Rock will do this by offering access to careers in hospitality. The company has partnered with Covenant House New York, an organization that provides services to homeless youth and runaways.
The two will work together to aid youth in “overcoming systemic barriers, achieve sustainable independence, and break free from cycles of poverty and homelessness.”
Covenant House New York Executive Director Julie Farer commented: "Vulnerable and exploited youth need stable employment to transition their lives from the street to a better future.
"This program seeks to not only offer jobs at Hard Rock, but to help these youth build careers by offering the experience, training and knowledge to build long-term futures in the global hospitality industry."