Accel Entertainment has named its Chief Revenue Officer, Mark Phelan, as its new President of US Gaming. His appointment to this newly created role took effect last Friday.
Phelan will oversee the company’s growth strategy and will be responsible for “leading the execution of key expansion and diversification initiatives.”
He holds a BA, MA and MBA from the University of Chicago. Up to now, Phelan has served as the company’s Chief Revenue Officer, a position he took in 2017.
Company President and CEO Andy Rubenstein briefly discussed Phelan’s contributions to Accel and commended him as a quality leader.
He said, “Since joining Accel, Mark has been an exceptional leader of our sales and revenue team. Throughout this time, Mark has driven significant revenue growth and helped shepherd Accel’s expansion into new markets.
“This newly created position will enable Mark to focus even more of his time and energy on our go-forward strategy to expand our geographical presence and the breadth of our offerings. This appointment is a true testament to Mark’s expertise and I look forward to continuing to partner with him in this new capacity.”
Phelan took a moment to share his thoughts on stepping into his new role.
He commented, “It is an honor to step into this new role during such an exciting time for Accel,” said Mr Phelan. “I look forward to deepening my focus on strategic growth initiatives and continuing to work closely with Andy and the rest of Accel’s talented team.
“We will continue to grow the business, explore adjacent markets and further position ourselves as the country’s premier local gaming provider.”