North Star Network has acquired Lakers Brasil.
Lakersbrasil.com, launched in 2006, is a large NBA fan and LA Lakers team news source in Brazil.
The site features player and game stats, basketball analyst opinions, a podcast videos and advice on where to watch Lakers games.
The site also includes basketball betting odds and a list of the “best bookmakers in Brazil.”
Basketball currently ranks as the second-favorite sport of Brazilian sports fans, according to a 2021 Google Sports Study. LA Lakers’ power forward, Lebron James, achieves just as many Google searches from Brazilian residents as Brazilian football player, and team Flamengo forward, Gabriel “Gabigol” Barbosa Almeida.
Julien Josset, North Star Network CEO, said, “Lakersbrasil.com is a perfect fit for our portfolio, with basketball continuing to become more significant in Brazil, and this gives us a chance to connect with basketball fans and provide them with first-class insight into their favourite team.”
Based in Paris, North Star Network hosts fan communities for both sports and esports in over 30 countries. Its website states the company has garnered 400 clients and 200 million monthly users, 35,000 of which are first-time deposits each month.
Its brands and websites include: Football Whispers, Futebolnaveia, Quinto Quarto, ESTNN, Vringe, Jogadores, Esportlandia and Lubsport. Many North Star Network sites are available in different languages from Portuguese, to Italian, to Polish, to Russian.
Josset added, “We look forward to giving Lakersbrasil.com greater resources to continue to be a leading reference point on the LA Lakers in Brazil and grow its stature further among basketball fans.”